Doing IT and Doing IT right…

    Many of our existing clients come to us by way of dissatisfaction with their existing IT service providers. One of the questions we continuously request throughout our initial discussion is what they were unhappy about. The answers are typically the same…

    Meagre Service, Untimely Response, Inexperienced Specialists, High Turnover, Erratic Costs…

    At Cloudwits Consulting we do IT differently… We do IT right and we do IT professionally.

    When you hire Cloudwits Consulting Technology you are not just hiring an IT support vendor, you are acquiring the comprehensive skills and talents of a dedicated, full service, Enterprise class IT support team for your business at an annualized cost that is typically substantially less than that of hiring a single full-time IT employee.

    From the moment you bring us on board, our technical team becomes your technical team, integrating seamlessly with your company’s existing management and personnel to ensure that you can begin to take full advantage of the many business benefits today’s latest technologies can offer across the entire spectrum of your company’s business technology operations.

    But of all the ways we provide value to your business the most compelling is our genuine and ongoing commitment to be the absolute best at what we do. Cloudwits Consulting technicians and engineers are passionate about technology and the discipline, knowledge and commitment that it takes to truly master it successfully.

    This enthusiasm and devotion to delivering excellence in managed IT support services is demonstrated every day by each of us in every client IT environment we service.

    When you work with Cloudwits Consulting you can rest assured that you are partnering with a company that cares very deeply about being the best IT support team in the business and that works harder and smarter than our competition every day to earn that distinction.

    Our Expertise are on the following leading vendors